Project process
Apparatus and plant design project phases
For the structural-mechanical design of (highly stressed components) of steam generators, pressure vessels, heat exchangers and pipelines, there are unfortunately no mandatory specifications for the service phases as there are in the German construction industry, for example.
In order not to “reinvent the wheel”, IBL tries to orient itself on the service phases of the planning “qualified structural engineer” defined in the HOAI (2009 edition) under §49.
The IBL also offers six phases with consulting and calculation services for the development of steam generators, pressure vessels, heat exchangers and pipelines:
- Basic determination
Clarification of the task in the field of design planning with the client - Preliminary planning (project and planning preparation)
Advice on structural design, taking into account the requirements of (compressive) strength, stability, stability, serviceability and cost-effectiveness.
Participation in the preparation of design drafts, including investigation of possible solutions for (highly stressed components, assemblies, parts of) tanks and/or pipelines, under the same object conditions with sketchy representation, clarification and specification of the essential design specifications for these systems. - Design planning (system and integration planning)
Development of proposed solutions to be discussed in cooperation with the specialist planning integrated into the system/vessel/pipeline planning up to the structural design,
Rough static calculation and dimensioning, basic determination of the structural details and main dimensions of the (components, assemblies, parts of) tanks and/or pipelines. - Approval planning
Preparation of verifiable (static) calculations for the (components, assemblies, parts of) tanks and/or pipelines, taking into account the specified structural-mechanical requirements with details of relevant dimensions, loads, materials, etc,
Compilation of the documents as part of the mathematical preliminary examination to obtain a design appraisal from “notified bodies” certified in Brussels, ASME inspectors or for orders in accordance with ASME VIII/2 Professional Engineers. Supporting the client in negotiations with the persons and institutions responsible for examining the documents. - Implementation planning
Working through the results of service phases 3 and 4,
Checking the production drawings and parts lists provided by the client.
Support in the preparation of “Material data reports” for ASME VIII/2 orders. - Support with awarding, production, assembly and pressure testing.
If the client so wishes, the IBL will also provide support with the awarding, manufacture, assembly and pressure test. This includes, among other things, the preparation of non-conformity reports in the event of production-related deviations from the target condition, analyses for transportation, lifting and erection (“Lifting Lug Study”), determination of required and maximum permissible test pressures for individual components and complete systems, as well as the development of pressure test concepts and consulting and calculation support in the event of leaks.